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Knowledge of Greek allows you to read an immense range of literary, historical, philosophical, and religious works in their original form such as the New Testament.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Latin or Greek to satisfy the general education language requirement?

Yes! Receiving credit for LATN 203 or GREK 203 fulfills the Gen Ed Language Requirement. We offer at least one section of LATN 101, 102, and 203 every semester; GREK 101 and 203 in fall and 102 in spring. Find further information on our website (Home -> Undergraduate -> Placement in Latin and Greek Courses).

Why study Ancient Greek?

Anyone interested in the cultures, history, religion, and literature of the Ancient Mediterranean will want to study Ancient Greek. Many students interested in philosophy, linguistics, archaeology, art history, and the literary humanities will also find Greek relevant.

What happens in Ancient Greek courses?

A primary goal in learning Ancient Greek is to read ancient literature and textual artifacts. So while oral work may be a part of the learning process at various stages, the main emphasis is on reading, not speaking. Weekly read-aloud sessions are available during the academic year.

Is Ancient Greek the same as modern Greek? Can I study modern Greek?

Modern Greek is the direct descendant of Ancient Greek, and very closely related. We do not teach modern Greek at UNC, but Ancient Greek can be a good way to develop understanding of the language in its historical context.

More Information

Ancient Greek FAQs Latin & Greek Flyer Classics Website