PORT 101, 102, 203, and 401 are offered in Fall 2024 and PORT 101, 102, 203, 401, and 402 in Spring 2025. PORT 204 will also be offered in spring 2025, either in person at UNC-CH or through the Language Exchange. If you studied Portuguese in high school or have learned it experientially, you may arrange to take a placement test by contacting the Portuguese advisor, Dr. Richard Vernon. NEWL exam and college transfer credits can be used to satisfy the Global Language requirement, but if you wish to continue your study of Portuguese, we recommend that you take the placement exam, or speak with the Portuguese advisor, to ensure you enroll in the most appropriate level.
For students who have experienced success learning other languages and wish to study Portuguese, PORT 401 and PORT 402 are options. PORT 401 (levels one and two) is designed for experienced language learners with little or no previous study of Portuguese, or heritage speakers with no formal study, who wish to move quickly through beginning Portuguese. PORT 402 (levels three and four) is designed for students who have completed PORT 401 or who have excelled in PORT 102 and wish to move more quickly through intermediate Portuguese.
For students who place beyond PORT 204, there is at least one more advanced course offered each semester. PORT 310 (Advanced Communication in Portuguese: Media & Entertainment) is offered in fall 2024, and one or two different advanced courses will be offered in spring 2025. For a complete listing of Portuguese courses and course descriptions, consult http://catalog.unc.edu/courses/port/. For information about the Portuguese major and minor consult https://romancestudies.unc.edu/undergraduate/programs/.
Additionally, a one-credit-hour stand-alone LAC section, PORT 408, will be offered each semester in Portuguese. These sections also count toward the major and can be repeated given that content varies semester to semester.
When you register for fall courses, you may enroll yourself if seats are available. If you have questions or concerns about enrolling in a Portuguese course, contact the Portuguese Advisor, Dr. Richard Vernon.